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A La Carte (March 31)

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Indiana: A Religious Liberty Bellweather – Rod: Dreher seems to get it right when he says, “This total political and media freakout over the Indiana law is the real story.”

What Dawkins, Hawking, and Harris Know About God – It’s the truth: “As we evangelize, we are not evangelizing blank slates. We are not starting with total ignorance. We are going to people who already know much about God.”

Write “Sending” Into Your Church’s DNA – Though eventually J.D. Greear mentions a forthcoming conference, you won’t want to miss the heart of the article: That every church ought to be a sending church.

Nuclear Energy Explained – This excellent little video explains how nuclear energy works.

Civil War Photos Online – The Library of Congress has acquired thousands of Civil War photographs and has put them online.

Fake Testimonials – Slate writes about Lifeway’s recent decision to stop selling heaven tourism books. “Theologically speaking it’s a sensible and belated move, one that has likely taken so long because of the immense amount of money these books bring in.”

Helping Children Benefit from the Sermon – Erik Raymond offers some tips.


If you are weak enough to confess your sins, God is strong enough to save you from them.

—Thabiti Anyabwile

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