What’s Missing in Son of God – “Herein lies the problem for any filmmaker daring enough to take on the Bible: how to portray Jesus? How does one visually communicate the truth about who He is? How does one make Him stand out from the crowd? Unfortunately, this film took the same road as too many others: they made him tall, pretty, and ‘spiritual’.”
The Terms of Our Surrender – Ross Douthat pens an important column: “It now seems certain that before too many years elapse, the Supreme Court will be forced to acknowledge the logic of its own jurisprudence on same-sex marriage and redefine marriage to include gay couples in all 50 states.”
Pre-Marital Mentoring Program – Brad Hambrick has provided “everything you need to provide every engaged couple in your church with a mentor couple who can walk them through a comprehensive pre-marital program. We also want to see the experienced marriages in your church enriched as they invest in engaged couples who are just beginning their marital journey.”
10 Reasons to Avoid Sexual Immorality – Here, drawn from Proverbs, are 10 good really good reasons to avoid sexual immorality.
Is Keller Weak on Wrath? – Tony Reinke did some research on how Tim Keller speaks and preaches about wrath.
Hobbies: Gift or God? – “Are hobbies evil? Absolutely not! But when hobbies become obsessions they flip the created order, where man exercises God-given authority and dominion over creation, and instead place man in subjection to the creation.”