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A La Carte (March 28)

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a few titles that may be of interest. Be sure to look at A Little Book on the Christian Life.

A while back I put together a commentary collection for Logos that would get you one excellent commentary on each book of the New Testament. We have just updated and refreshed that collection. You can get it at a great price.

Also, In celebration of Easter, Credo Courses is offering the audio version of Gary Habermas’ monumental Credo Course on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus for FREE!

10 Things You Should Know about Fasting

Sam Storms offers ten things you ought to know about fasting.

On the Outside, Looking Out

“We do not have a problem of privation in the United States. Not really. What we have is something related to what Arthur Brooks describes as the need for earned success. We are not happy with mere material abundance. We — and not to go all Iron John on you, but I think ‘we’ here applies especially to men — need to feel that we have earned our keep, that we have established a place for ourselves in the world by our labor or by other virtues, especially such masculine virtues as physical courage and endurance.”

What is Worse? Removing from Scripture or Adding to Scripture?

Bill Mounce says, “I was asked why all modern translations ‘omit’ Matt 18:11. ‘For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost’ (KJV). The form of the question betrays the basic problem, that people think modern translations omit verses rather than other translations add verses.”

God Does Not Answer “Selfie” Prayers!

H.B. Charles Jr. warns that God doesn’t answer “selfie” prayers. You’ll need to read his article to see what a selfie prayer is.

Three Reasons God is a Cessationist

That’s a cheeky title! Jordan Standridge deals with the notion that a cessationist God has put himself in a box.

Google and Facebook Can’t Just Make Fake News Disappear

The fake news problem is a perplexing one since no one can even agree on a definition of “fake news.” I’d say this article does a better job of laying out the problem than proposing solutions for it, but it’s still worth a read.

On Not Having Your Cake, but Eating It

Jennie Pollock points out just one of the humungous contradictions at the heart of liberal-land today.

7 Reasons Christians Are Not Required to Tithe

Thomas Schreiner explains why Christians are not required to tithe. William Barcley takes the opposite approach as part of the ongoing TGC Asks series.

Flashback: 10 Lessons on Parenting Little Ones

Aileen and I have graduated—we have graduated from parenting little ones to parenting big ones. Lots of parenting remains, of course, but the little years are now in the past. Before it all grows hazy through the inevitable march of time, we decided to think of a few lessons we learned about parenting through the little years.

We naturally love smooth things, but, alas, we have so much roughness in us that we must have rough things to smooth us.

—Anne Dutton

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