Dating a Non-Virgin – Richard Phillips offers wise counsel in dealing with the dark side of the chastity industry.
How Many Stars Are There? – Enough that every couple of weeks there is a new YouTube video that tries to wrap our minds around it.
Christians, You Will Suffer – “If suffering disproves your Christianity, you’ve missed Christianity. The Bible is filled with the suffering of those whom God loves.”
Lifeway Pulls Heaven Tourism Books – This is great news: LifeWay Christian Resources has stopped selling all “experiential testimonies about heaven…”
ERLC Leadership Summit – ERLC’s leadership summit on racial reconciliation begins today; you can watch it live at the link.
Sing Your Heart Out – “The messiness of congregational singing is part of the beauty of God using weak and broken people. While we certainly want to strive for excellence in how we sing to our God, the sound of a child singing extremely loudly or, even at times, out of key, is a sweet sound that brings God great glory.”