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A La Carte (March 26)

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Should Christians Keep Supporting World Vision? – I know many Christians are wondering whether they ought to continue supporting World Vision. Matthew Lee Anderson takes on the question and provides a thoughtful answer.

Can Natural Man Do Good? – Derek Thomas looks at this question: “Is it true that the natural man cannot do any good at all? Is this not something of an overstatement? The Westminster Confession of Faith, for example, reflects this point of view when it asserts: From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual transgressions.”

Ten Things to Do During Suffering – Here’s one to bookmark: “We will all suffer, of that there is no doubt. It is strange, then, that we are often unprepared for it. With that in mind, a useful exercise is to summarize Scripture and identify what words of God can guide us when things are hard.”

In the New Calvinism a Reformation Worth Perpetuating? – I enjoyed reading this response to the New Calvinism infographic I shared a couple of weeks ago.

Emotions: What Does the Bible Teach? – Bob Kellemen is beginning a promising series on emotions.

Books for Those Struggling or Ministering – Westminster Books has a selection of titles on sale that are related to homosexuality. All 3 of their choices are excellent; Love Into Light (down at the bottom) would be an excellent choice as well.


Preaching on unity doesn’t unify a church. Preaching Jesus unifies a church.

—Steve Dighton

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