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A La Carte (March 25)


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

With all the interest in Jordan Peterson and what seems to be a growing interest in Jesus, I commend Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson, a fascinating book that examines his thought through a Christian lens.

Today’s Kindle deals include some Easter-related material.

(Yesterday on the blog: Why Do We Add To Our Trouble?)

Sometimes the Best Explanation Is ‘Forgive Me’

“Sin infects our syntax. It corrodes our word choice. We let it — even wield it. When will we learn?” That’s the question Tanner asks in this article.

An Autopsy of The YRR Movement

Mike Leake offers some important insights in this “autopsy” of the Young, Restless, Reformed movement. “Consider all of the discernment blogs which came out of the YRR movement. I would argue that part of the issue with fundamentalism is an inability to leave the growth of another believer in the hands of the Lord. And I believe this type of fundamentalism attached itself to the YRR brand. If you wanted to be part of the speaking circuit, have your books promoted, your articles linked, etc. then you had to toe the line.”

What Really Happened During the Texas Power Grid Outage? (Video)

I was interested in this explanation of what went wrong in Texas (and how close it was to getting so much worse).

Morning Glory’s Designer Label clothing

“Reading through secular scientific journals and magazines, I have yet to see a writer ‘Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name’ (Psalm 29:2). Instead, when researchers report their studies of animals, plants, Earth and starry skies, they implicitly give the glory to ‘evolution’.” Here’s the problem with that…

Humility Precedes Him

This is another solid bit of writing from Kristin.

Aim All You Have at Heaven

Marshall Segal: “If we do not learn how to lay up treasures in heaven, we will inevitably settle for the treasures of earth — and miss out on something far more lasting and satisfying.”

Richard Bewes and Equipped to Serve

I’m grateful that Paul Levy wrote out this little tribute to Richard Bewes.

Flashback: On Coming Home

As much as I desire to be here, I ultimately desire to be there. As satisfied as I am to be here, I know I’ll never be fully satisfied until I’m there.

The gospel is about much more than how we get saved and go to heaven. The gospel is about the work of Christ saturating every aspect of our lives.

—Voddie Baucham

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