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A La Carte (March 25)

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When I Don’t Desire God – Ligonier and Desiring God have partnered to create a course called “When I Don’t Desire God” featuring John Piper. It’s free for the taking! (Also, Ligonier is having an #AskRC Live Twitter event today.)

Q&A with Sam Allberry – Denny Burk recently moderated a Q&A with Sam Allberry where he fielded questions from both Denny and students at SBTS. You can watch the video at the link.

Cannonball – Whether or not you like the music that accompanies it (I did!) this video is very well done.

Honoring Our Favorite Theologians – Westminster Books is offering a great deal on 3 volumes written in honor of some favorite theologians (Piper, Carson, Gaffin). Logos has some good deals in their March Madness event.

Take Note – Every serious reader has strong opinions about footnotes versus endnotes.

The Christian and Common Grace – I appreciated this reflection on God’s common grace. Now there’s something we too often take for granted!

Emotional Blackmail – John Piper comments on emotional blackmail within the church.


In the gospel, there is included all that the heart of man can wish.

—J Gresham Machen

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