Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
Today’s Kindle deals include some books that will definitely prove helpful in your Christian walk.
If I Have Matching Dishes, but Have Not Love …
This is such a sweet reflection on love and marriage and the things that drive you crazy.
Wokeness as a Tax on Human Nature
Samuel provides an interesting way to understand wokeness: As a kind of tax on human nature. “Wokeness, in its most visible expressions, asks people to apologize for their humanity. It asks women to be ashamed of loving Snow White’s love story, or of daydreaming about being the princess in the castle. It asks women to live in defiance of the realities of aging or the loneliness of middle-aged life without a spouse or children. It asks men to repent of their competitiveness and physicality.”
Slow Down this Lent Season
Lent is a season of repentance and renewal, turning away from our sins and toward God’s mercy. Although, knowing how to practically engage with the riches of the church year isn’t always easy. Simplify Lent with 21Five, Canada’s source for gospel-centered books and products. Shop their Lent collection at 10% off, which includes books, prayer journals, devotionals and more! (Sponsored)
The Religion of Wellness
Jonathan Threlfall considers the rise of wellness as an alternate religion.
50 Most Edifying Films of the 21st Century So Far
Brett McCracken lists his 50 most edifying films of the 21st century so far. He set two rules: No r-rated movies and he needed to include at least one movie from each year of the century.
You’re Beautiful
Heidi writes about “freckles, thigh gaps, Asian vs Western beauty, and ageing.”
What Does the Bible Teach About Sexuality?
Christopher Yuan: “More than fifteen hundred years have passed since the fall of the Roman Empire, yet the moral decay and indulgence that contributed to its collapse continue to echo through Western civilization today. The Roman statesman and orator Cicero once proclaimed, ‘History is the teacher of life’ (Historia magistra vitae est). While proponents of so-called ‘progressive’ lifestyles celebrate their cause, history reminds us that what is labeled as progressive is often regressive.”
Flashback: Why Do We Add To Our Trouble?
Our steps grow lighter when we repent of every sin, when we cast off every transgression, when we remove every hindrance. Holiness in our lives brings lightness to our steps.