Shelf-Life Of Worship Songs – Jamie Brown: “Things are not as simple for worship leaders/church music directors as they used to be. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s certainly a more complicated thing.”
Closing Accounts – This is a sad and sobering account of elder care today.
Blaine Boyer And His Personal Entourage – I enjoyed this story about Blaine Boyer and his baseball career.
Witchdoctors, Football, and Understanding Africa – This is definitely one of the most interesting articles you’ll read today.
He Knows – “He knew what joys this day would hold and He knows what sorrows tomorrow may hold, and whatever comes we know that we little unknowing ones are held close.”
Keep a Close Watch on Your Life and Illustrations – “I for one think sermon illustrations are way overrated. Yep, I said it. I think too much emphasis is put on illustrations in how we train preachers and in too many actual sermons.”