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A La Carte (March 23)


May the Lord bless and keep you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include Steve Lawson’s excellent Philippians For You and a systematic theology from John MacArthur.

Westminster Books has loads of kids’ books on sale, headlined by Kevin DeYoung’s new The Biggest Story Bible Storybook.

The Manly Virtue of Magnanimity

Kevin DeYoung: “The title of this article calls magnanimity a ‘manly virtue.’ By that, I don’t mean that magnanimity is unique to men or that women are not also called to this trait. After all, Witherspoon calls it a Christian virtue. But I do think magnanimity is a virtue particularly befitting to manhood, and that manhood bereft of magnanimity is especially lamentable.”

The Unique Wonder of the Sunday Gathering

“What sweet kindness we enjoy when we gather with the saints on Sunday. God’s people assembled together is a meeting unlike anything else in this world. The unity, the likemindedness, the focus on Christ, the heartfelt singing, and the study of the Word of God lifts the believer’s heart, informs the Christian’s mind, and increases the saint’s love for God. How unique and blessed are these assemblies!”

Dive Deeper Into Worship With Keith & Kristyn Getty

Paul reminds us in 1 Cor. 12:14 that “the body does not consist of one member but of many.” The Holy Spirit gives each of us gifts to employ in his service—skills that we hone when we are gathered together! This September, join thousands of believers from around the world for three days of congregational singing, deep theology, and 50+ practical breakout sessions led by the Gettys, Joni Eareckson Tada, John MacArthur, D. A. Carson, Paul David Tripp, Sandra McCracken Shai & Blair Linne, and more at the Sing! Worship Conference in Nashville, TN! EXCLUSIVE: Use code ‘CHALLIES’ to save 20% on registration before April 1. (Sponsored Link)

Unhelpful Advice in ‘Turning Red’

Brett McCracken shares some of the strengths of the latest Pixar movie but says, “It’s a pity, then, that many of Turning Red’s ideas and messages are so unhelpful. For all of its merits, the film ultimately advocates a wrongheaded central message under the guise of empowerment: embrace who you are, even your reckless vices and dangerous impulses, and don’t let anyone stop you.”

Sex Toy Story

And, while on the subject of Pixar, Stephen McAlpine looks to another of their films that will release in the near future. “We all grow out of our toys don’t we? And then we move on to sex. At least that’s how the story goes. Or at least that’s how the Disney story goes. Or at least that’s how the Disney story used to go, all things being equal. But things are not equal. Not in this Sexular Age. Now, for Disney, toys and sex must now go together.”

Prayer Requests for a Critical Heart

“I promise I’m not critical. I just happen to know how to do things the right way, and I want to use my gift of correct-ness to help others. Is that so bad? Actually, it is. And, actually, I am critical.” Cindy goes on to share some prayer requests for those of us with critical hearts.

The Social Media Ministry

This article from Peter Muturi Kimotho considers some of the drawbacks of social media. “When I first started sharing a lot on social media I thought I had learned something the world needed to hear. I was for the first time coming face to face with the true Gospel as the Bible taught it. It was just not something I could keep to myself. But a few years later I came to realize maybe Facebook shouldn’t have been my first go-to audience.”

Flashback: How the World Worshipped on One of the Most Unusual Sundays in Church History

Would it be an exaggeration to say that Sunday, March 22, 2020 was one of the most unusual Sundays in the history of Christianity? I don’t think it would be, because on this day the majority of Christians across the world were either not permitted to gather to worship or considered it inadvisable to do so.

…the mark of a fool is not intellectual deficiency but aggressive ungodliness.

—Dale Ralph Davis

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