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A La Carte (March 23)

Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of titles, but ones worth checking out.

March Madness continues at Logos and that means lots more details. You can get books up to 45% off the list price.

Princeton Seminary Reforms Its Views on Honoring Tim Keller

And this is what it has come to: “The most popular Reformed preacher and author in America today is not eligible to receive Princeton Theological Seminary’s annual award in Reformed theology and public witness.”

Why Did People Stick One Hand in Their Jackets in Old Photographs? (Video)

I’ve wondered this one before. Now I know.

Making A Pastoral Apology

There’s this ugly lie in the back of our minds that apologizing as a leader causes people to distrust us. The opposite is actually true.

The Pastor As Navigator

Here’s a helpful analogy with good examples. “God’s people need navigation, and the pastor practiced at steering a course for his people between extremes that could shipwreck them, will ensure that they reach safe haven eventually.”

3 Reasons I’m Grateful to Have Married Young

Aileen and I often talk about these same three reasons we are grateful to have married young. (Also see Al Mohler on The Problem of Delaying Marriage.)

Do You Invite Critique of your Sermons?

Creating opportunities to evaluate sermons (and the rest of a worship service) is an important part of doing them well and doing them better.

How Can I Improve My Prayers? (Video)

Donald Whitney answers as part of this video series from Southern Seminary.

Flashback: The Holiness Instinct (and the Unexpected Temptation)

On Saturday I found myself musing on personal holiness and the joyful reality that you can be far holier than you ever would have thought possible. On Sunday I began scribbling thoughts about the fact that God is able to transform you to such a degree that you develop entirely new instincts toward sin so that what was once alluring is now appalling. On Monday I had the unexpected opportunity to see if this was true.

The world has not turned upside down by experts, but converts.

—Jared Wilson

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