May the Lord be with you and bless you today.
Westminster Books has a discount on a new book that looks excellent.
There are a few new Kindle deals today.
The World that Money Makes Go Round
“The economically inactive, we are told, are a hazard to the economy—although no one can quite bring themselves to say they’re doing anything wrong. They’re perhaps just a bit thoughtless as to how their leisure impacts others around them, like an old man in a speedo or an aloof housecat refusing to come inside when you want to lock up for the night.” Rhys Laverty considers the phrase “economically inactive.”
Fortnite Creative 2.0 Might Change Everything
“It is closest thing we’ve seen to a metaverse, and it arrives Wednesday.” Chris Martin explains why it’s such a big deal.
Do we have free will? (Video)
Do we have free will? Michael Reeves answers.
“March is that in-between month, when winter struggles to make space for spring. When too-early buds appear only to freeze. When snowstorms out of the north give way to thunderstorms rising from the south. Coats are exchanged for jackets and then sweaters, only to be replaced by coats again. And our spirits, still living in February’s Lent, lean forward to glimpse April’s Easter through the unremarkable month of March.”
The Gift of Friends Who Know Their Bible
I very much agree with this! “What a gift it is to have friends who know their Bible—friends who can gently correct us when we err, remind us of great truths when we live lies, encourage us to greater depths when we plateau, and model life under the authority of God’s word.”
I Always Feel the Worst Sunday Night, or How to Pray for Your Pastor
“I believe that preaching is more than just a man standing on a stage presenting truth. I have taught classes, done presentations in classes, even defended my master’s thesis and did not feel this exhausted and depressed. I believe that preaching is war. Preaching is exhausting on a spiritual level, not just physical and emotional.”
Flashback: 8 Ways God Turns Temptations to Blessings
Just as a tree which is blown by the wind is settled and rooted deeper into the ground, the coming of a temptation simply settles the Christian deeper into divine grace. Here are eight ways God brings good from temptation.