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A La Carte (March 22)


Good morning! May the Lord bless you today and in the week to come.

My family has completed our 14-day in-home quarantine after returning from our trip to visit Abby. We’re hoping the rules change before she returns from school in May or we’ll have to do it all again!

Today’s Kindle deals includes the entire NIV Application Commentary series. I’ve listed the volumes I most recommend.

(Yesterday on the blog: Thy Way Is Best)

Do You Have Enough Faith to Be Kind?

“Jesus rebuked those who had ‘little faith’ (Matt. 8:26), rewarded those who had ‘great faith’ (Matt. 15:28), and taught that a lack of faith could hinder ministry (Matt. 17:19-20). The problem is not that we quantify our faith; the problem is when we do so selectively. We tend to speak of faith as the source of the miraculous, rather than every day obedience.”

Nonna and Poppa Christians for an Immigrant Age

Stephen McAlpine reflects on an older generation (and then on a younger). “This generation fascinates me. That risk they took some sixty years ago to defer their own comfort and ease has finally paid off. But what a risk it was! They were under no illusions as they sailed south to a Mediterranean climate that mimicked theirs, but which was grounded in stolid British values of meat and three veg. They sacrificed their own better life for the better life of their children and grandchildren.”

I’m an Evangelist. We Must Think (and Feel) Our Way Out of This Mess.

Esther O’Reilly: “Coming up on a month ago, I read a piece that bugged me. Had I been holding myself to a more rigorous writing schedule at the time, I would have banged out a response piece quickly. But perhaps it’s just as well that I didn’t, because experience has taught me one rarely does one’s best work on impulse, especially with sensitive questions such as those raised in this piece.”

Where Do We Draw The Line With Christians Who Adhere To Critical Theory? (Video)

Todd Friel answers a question about where to draw the line with other Christians when they adhere to CRT.

Are the Best Really Blessed?

Liesl Counterman writes about gospel work in Salt Lake City. “When our family moved to Salt Lake City in 2012 to help plant Gospel Grace Church, we discovered a culture of extreme contradictions. The ‘Happy Valley’ between the mountain ranges may have a reputation for family, religion, and the blessed life, but underneath the surface, many people are anything but happy.”

Pressing On Through Changing Seasons

Amber Thiessen: “As we reflect on the last couple of months, we notice who we are becoming through the chaos and the calm of life. Where we look for sources of truth will determine where we land up. If we use our emotions as a guide, we will end up depressed, or unfulfilled. If we turn to popular opinion, we will become angry and unsatisfied. If you’re like me, you’ve found yourself in both of those places at one time or another through this journey.”

Live Feed from Iceland Volcano

I’m sure you’ve heard of the volcano in Iceland that recently erupted. Here is a live video of it in case you’d like to see it’s haunting beauty.

Flashback: 8 Ways God Turns Temptations to Blessings

Just as a tree which is blown by the wind is settled and rooted deeper into the ground, the coming of a temptation simply settles the Christian deeper into divine grace. Here are eight ways God brings good from temptation.

It is certain, that he who doesn’t love Christ doesn’t love heaven; and he who doesn’t love heaven will never see heaven.

—Theodore Cuyler

  • Happy Lies

    Happy Lies

    I’m quite certain you have heard of the New Age movement. Though its popularity seems to have crested and begun to wane some time ago, it continues to wield a good bit of influence. But I wonder if you’ve heard of another similarly-named but quite different movement called New Thought.

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