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A La Carte (March 21)


Logos has a sale on my recommended bundle of commentaries which will give your library a great boost. Also, be sure to keep voting in March Matchups.

Today’s Kindle deals include some more good books.

(Yesterday on the blog: If God Would Outsource His Sovereignty)

There is Something Better than Never Suffering

Jared Wilson: “It is the sustaining vision of eternal life in Christ that fixes even a lifetime of suffering to a fine point — a fine point that in the last day will be eclipsed by the glory of the radiant Christ, perhaps even distilled down to a jewel placed amidst your treasures, or placed in the crown of Christ himself as we offer our suffering up to him, finally in our fully sanctified state, truly not loving our own lives even unto death.”

What Is Anger?

That’s a question you may never have asked: What is anger anyway?

John MaCarthur on “A Faithful Gospel VS. A Quick Gospel” @ The Radius Conference

June 28-29, 2023 @ Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. John MacArthur will speak to the tried and true—the ordinary means of grace laid down in scripture versus the new and modern that is so popular in missions today. (Sponsored Link)

A Biblical Analysis of Critical Race Theory

SBTS has posted some interesting and in-depth articles about CRT and other important matters.

Ringing the Bell!

“Since MD Anderson established this small but significant gesture, the tradition of bell ringing for the end of cancer treatments has spread through the United States. When a brass bell rings through hospital halls, those listening to its chime understand that whoever is ringing the bell has struggled through the difficulty of cancer treatment, has endured, and is signifying their victory with pride and long-standing tradition.” Donna tells of how she was just able to ring the bell.


This seems like a useful and relevant term. “I coined a term which I love: Twitriol. Twitriol is that special invective reserved for the platform in which we scorn, abuse, gaslight, objectify, refuse to engage critically with, and give people as little leeway as possible. And all in the name of something, something like truth-telling or truth-seeking, or putting the story straight. Or whatever.”

It All Holds True

“What I’m saying is that I was surprised to see the Lord take years and years of unremarkable discipleship and teaching and church-going and praying—and He showed us that it all proves true. God really does sustain. Jesus really is with us. Faith really does grow with time. Scripture really is true. The Spirit really does sanctify. Your heart really is safe in the Father’s hand. His Word really doesn’t return void. Your kids really are listening when you’re sure they’re not. God really does answer prayers.”

Flashback: When “All Things” Don’t Feel So Good

We love God’s providence when it is perfectly aligned with our desires, but struggle with it when it opposes them. We find it easy to believe “all things work for good” when we experience times of joy and brightness, but difficult in times of trouble and confusion.

No friend I have like Thee to trust, for mortal helps are brittle dust.

—Anne Bradstreet

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