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A La Carte (March 21)

Today’s Kindle deals include three books that I see on sale only rarely, so they are all worth a quick look.

Logos users will be glad to see the Expositor’s Bible Commentary 64% off for a limited time.

Albert Mohler: Ask Anything Live

Dr. Mohler has been recording some Ask Anything sessions live on YouTube. You can find the first one here and the second in the sidebar. He covers a wide range of issues.

Church Hunters: Part 1 (Video)

This is pretty clever. “Sick of your old, boring church? Find a new one that meets YOUR needs with the new hit show Church Hunters…hosted by Aaron Chewning.”

Preaching and Personality

“Some people are more interesting to listen to than others. I’m sorry, but it’s true, and it’s now out there. Some people make me sit on the edge of my seat, and others have the gift of encouraging me to slide back as far as I can go. So what makes the difference?” Preachers ought to consider it.

Live It Loud

If you were ever into Christian Contemporary Music in the 80s or 90s, you may enjoy John Schlitt’s (of Petra) new program Live It Loud where he interviews some of the big names of that era.

Preaching the Ten Commandments

Ray Ortlund describes how he preaches the ten commandments. “When I preach through the Ten Commandments, each sermon has four points, because each commandment does four things at once.”

Opposing Tim Keller at Princeton Seminary

Here’s an interesting article about opposition to Tim Keller at Princeton Seminary. “An institution designed to train men and women for ministry shouldn’t be awarding fancy prizes to someone who believes half the student body (or is it more than half?) has no business leading churches. It’s offensive and, as I have taught my four and five year olds to express, it hurts my feelings.”

The Expectation of Fasting

Barry York shows that “fasting is like waiting for a wedding. Better yet, fasting is like the bride longing for the wedding and bringing it more quickly by that longing. It is asking the lover of your soul to come and make a holy visitation.”

Confessing the Sin of Platforming

Jeff raises an important concern here. “As time passed, and my agent sent out new book proposals, we kept hearing the same thing. ‘We love Jeff’s writing. He’s a great communicator. Clearly, Jeff has a bright future in writing. However, we have to pass on this proposal since his platform isn’t where it needs to be’.”

Flashback: Here at the Dawn of the Revolution

God has given us the ability, the desire, and the mandate to change and shape the world around us.

We live in a world where one of the few constants in life is change. Yet, God has given us the ability, the desire, and the mandate to change and shape the world around us. Since the beginning, man has been doing this by creating and implementing new technologies. Technologies are good in that they allow us to carry out our God-given mandate (Gen. 4). But every technology also brings risk; it brings change.

The visible church is where you will find Christ’s kingdom on earth, and to disregard the kingdom is to disregard its King.

—Michael Horton

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