Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent books you’ll want to consider: Embracing Complementarianism which will help you live out your complementarian convictions, Parenting without Panic which will help you raise your kids in this world, and Plugged In which will help you live well with all your digital technologies.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Unique Christian Contribution to Politics)
My Jesus Poster
Jim McCarthy considers an old Jesus poster that hung on his wall. “One does not need to be a 5-point Calvinist, or a confessional Presbyterian to recognize two of the many ways images of Jesus subtly but surely rob him of the glory of his humiliation.”
The Best Source of Stability on an Emotional Roller Coaster
This is so important to understand and believe. “The heart of the matter is this. God is entirely who He says He is all the time, or He isn’t who He says He is at all. It’s that simple, and also that mind-blowing. This is the essence of faith…”
What Is the Most Effective Method of Personal Evangelism? (Video)
Method or no method? Bible studies or tracts? There are many ways to evangelize and Dr. Timothy Beougher of SBTS considers them here.
Pastors, What Do We Owe Our Congregations?
Daniel Jung considers what pastors owe their congregations. “We have many skills that will transfer. But I believe our greatest transferable asset is one that is most directly linked to our ministry calling: our desire to be a shepherd. In the deep recesses of my heart, I know I will be a shepherd of people wherever I go.
The Paradox of Ease: Why Friction Is Good for You
It is hard to believe in the moment, but demonstrably true: friction is good for you. “We instinctively know that hardship shapes character. Parents who remove all restraint and difficulty from their children don’t produce a happy family—the kids are miserable. When we eliminate friction from our lives, when we get whatever we want whenever we want it, we become spiritually and emotionally fragile. We’re all spoiled children now.”
Is Permissive Parenting a Sign of Civilizational Decline?
Parenting philosophies that allow children to disobey their parents rise and fall, but certainly we’re in another of those trends today. This article considers whether that’s a potential mark of civilizational decline.
Flashback: Are You Writing Headlines for You or Articles for Them?
It is no great feat to create the kind of headline that will get people to your site. What is much harder is to create content that will actually benefit them once they get there.