Magna Carta – “One of two beautifully illustrated animations telling the story of Magna Carta, to celebrate the 800th anniversary of it’s creation, and the re-union of two of the original parchments at the British Library in London – with the added bonus of being voiced by Monty Python’s Terry Jones!”
Things I Would Do Differently If I Were Raising My Children Again – Mark Altrogge explains what he would do differently if he had to do it all again.
Pastor, Should You Write that Book? – I’m doubling down on The Blazing Center today, but I really enjoyed this article from Barnabas Piper. He explains why some great sermon series make lousy books.
Rethinking The Bible For A Mobile World – “Former Apple designer Kory Westerhold, now a product design at Twitter, partnered with his childhood friend Yahoo design director Aaron Martin to create a beautiful, modern Bible app.”
Our Everyday Obedience – You’ll like this one, I think.
Airport Codes – You probably need to be a bit geeky to care about this: an explanation of various airport codes.