How Many People Died in the Inquisition? – Nathan Busenitz provides a solid answer. “Some suggest that just a few thousand people were executed during the Inquisition, while others project that there were tens of millions of victims. So how can the estimates be so widely divergent?”
Four Unthinkable Conversations – John Knight shares four unthinkable conversations.
I Feel Like Kony Won – Relevant has quite an interesting article about Invisible Children and Kony 2012.
Fireworks And Brimstone – I have a real problem with Buzzfeed, but occasionally they come up with a good article. This one on Katy Perry is both informative and sobering.
Adopted – I love the gospel.
Whole Foods and the Developing World – “Since I belong to the Developed World, I like the idea of organic food, raw milk, and clean meat. I can see why GMO food is not great for our society. I get why small, local farms are healthier. But I live in the Developing World.”