Why Doesn’t God Just Remove that Sin? – “Every Christian I know has had the experience of coming up against the same sin—again—and wondering, ‘Will this struggle ever end? Why doesn’t God just remove this?’”
Man Does Not Live By Man Skills Alone – Paul Tripp takes a look at some of the cultural conversation about manhood and manliness.
Grief Undone – Westminster Books continually offers some great sales, and this week’s is no exception.
How TripAdvisor Is Changing the Way We Travel – “Research almost any travel destination and you’ll probably wind up on travel-industry Goliath, where passionate people praise and denounce everything from romantic getaways to cockroach-infested hotel rooms. But who can you trust?”
When Orphan Care Goes Bad – “Adoption is a beautiful, life-giving act, when taken up by those called to and equipped for it. But it does a child no good to be brought into a family that has counted their blessings but hasn’t counted the cost.”
Your Kids Are Hurting – This is a powerful letter, written by a woman raised by a lesbian couple. “I loved my mom’s partner, but another mom could never have replaced the father I lost.”