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A La Carte (March 18)

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Gospel-Centered Reduction – There is a lot to think about in this article by Nate Claiborne. I think he is expressing what others have tried to say before him about the rise of the phrase “gospel-centered.”

Mark Driscoll Retracts Bestseller Book Status, Resets LifeChristianity Today: “In response to recent controversies, Seattle pastor Mark Driscoll has written a candid letter to his congregation that attempts to clarify the significant staff turnover at Mars Hill Church and the controversial marketing campaign that gave Real Marriage bestseller status.”

Dear Future Mom – Go ahead and try not to get a bit emotional when you watch this video about Down syndrome.

Gary & Peggy – You’ll enjoy this short film. “In 2001, Gary and Peggy Ifft lived in Bloomington, IL. They had normal jobs, a normal home, a normal life. Then God called them out of the normal and into His mission.”

The Francis Effect – This article from the New York Times looks at “The Francis Effect” in the Catholic Church and says that Pope Francis has changed the attitudes, but not the behavior, of Catholics.

Are Visits to Heaven For Real? – John MacArthur writes about all those books (and now, that movie) about people who went to heaven and back.

Thomas Brooks

Where one thousand are destroyed by the world’s frowns, ten thousand are destroyed by the world’s smiles.

—Thomas Brooks

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