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A La Carte (March 17)


We are once again being spoiled with Kindle deals, and there are lots of them to look over.

Westminster Books has a free download for you: Read Slow. It’s 15 chapters from favorite books “that help us slow down and understand ourselves and our God in the midst of scary and uncertain times.”

(Yesterday on the blog: One Way To Make the Most of Being Housebound with Your Family)

What Is the Millennial Reign of Christ in Revelation 20? Amil, Premil or Postmil? (Video)

Here’s Tom Schreiner on the millennial reign of Christ.

The Humbling of Civilization: Praying for the Mercy of God

I’d say at least 80% of the articles that came my way yesterday were about the virus. Here’s one my Dr. Mohler. (Also see the video Why Fighting the Coronavirus Depends on You, A Pastor’s Update from Italy on the Coronavirus, and Should Churches Submit to Government Demands to Shut Down Services?)

Lacking Assurance of Salvation? Join a Church

You don’t join a church in order to be saved, but you may want to join the church to help you in making certain that you are saved. In joining a church, we are asking our brothers and sisters to hold us accountable to live according to what we speak with our mouths. (SPONSORED LINK)

Why Should You Pray Before Eating a Meal?

While it may not be prescribed in the Bible, it’s still wise for a number of reasons.

How Can We Solve the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis? (Video)

You’ve undoubtedly heard about the increasing resistance to antibiotics. This little video describes the problem and possible solutions.

St. Patrick and the Work of Ministry

Andrew Roycroft shares some lessons from the life of St. Patrick.

Help! My Teen Struggles with Self-Image

“From its beginning, the self-esteem movement has been crushing. And the movement hasn’t dissipated over the last generation or two, it has only intensified. It is more demanding than ever with the omnipresence of social media. Kids today are not only taught to believe in themselves, as we were, but now the fruits or failures of their efforts are on display for all the world to see. Their value is now also derived from how they look, how they image themselves online.”

Fighting Fear and Anxiety

Keith Mathison: “The world is fearful and anxious, but it is fearful and anxious about the wrong things. The world is fearful about the economy. The world is fearful about retirement accounts. The world is fearful about natural disasters and man-made disasters. The world is fearful of terrorism, and the world is fearful of diseases like the coronavirus. The world, however, is not fearful of God.”

Flashback: The Character of the Christian: Mature and Humble

Do you seek the credit and the glory of man, or are you happy to be unknown and unappreciated? Many Christians want to be thought of as servants, but not treated as servants. Is that you?

Good works and Christian virtue flow out of sanctification; they are not sanctification itself.

—Harold Senkbeil

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