Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
Logos users, you’ve got just one more vote to cast as we choose the winner of March Matchups.
There are lots of great picks in today’s Kindle deals: Gentle & Lowly, Living Life Backward, Ten Words to Live By, and so on.
Comfort in Life’s Disappointments
“When we expect circumstances to go a certain way, when we expect people to do certain things, when we expect God to answer our prayers the way we think would be best, and then our expectations are not realized, disappointment grips our hearts. It’s good to know that feeling disappointed is not necessarily a sin. How we respond to disappointment is what’s important.”
What If He Won’t Lead? To Women with Passive Husbands
Garrett Kell: “In sweet seasons, you will take strong strides together. But at times (or even much of the time), you may feel like you’re dragging your spouse along. Sin, sorrow, and suffering all take their toll on a marriage. When a husband neglects his calling to lovingly lead his wife, she can be tempted to despair.”
How to Respect the Dignity of Loved Ones with Dementia
At some point we will all know someone who has dementia (and many of us will have to care for one) so it is good to consider how to respect their dignity.
Recharge Your Marriage On Us
We want to bless you and your spouse with FREE Marriage Getaway for pastors—a 3-day, all-inclusive getaway for pastoral couples at one of Focus on the Family’s beautiful retreat centers. This is your chance to step away, refresh your relationship, and return to ministry strengthened and renewed for God’s Kingdom work! (Sponsored)
Smuggling the Gospel?
Andrew considers whether Christians smuggle the gospel into their stories or whether there is something bigger going on.
When Should a Pastor Preach Through Romans? (Video)
Sinclair Ferguson considers when and how a pastor should consider preaching through Romans.
Kristin writes about those few especially precious friendships we get to enjoy in life.
Flashback: Children Who Bloom in an Instant
…all growth certainly reflects divine activity and divine blessing, and whether fast or slow, God works in his own way and at his own pace.