It is St. Patrick’s Day today, and here are two videos you may appreciate: Who Was St. Patrick? and St. Patrick’s Bad Analogies.
Advice to Young Speakers and Writers – Nancy Leigh DeMoss has some wise counsel for young speakers and writers.
It’s the Little Things – ” It’s the little things that members of a church or church plant do that help the ministry thrive—and without which the growth of the local church would be greatly hindered.”
Isn’t the Christian View of Sexuality Dangerous and Harmful? – “One of the most common and significant charges leveled against the traditional Christian understanding of sexuality and marriage is that it is damaging.” Sam Allberry answers the charge.
A Tale of Two Ecumenisms – Carl Trueman reflects on Evangelicals and Catholics Together twenty years after the fact.
The Church of TED – This article in the New York Times takes a brief look at the infamous TED talks and shows how they are not far off from their own religion.