I was not able to track down any new Kindle deals, though I may check again in the morning to see if anything has popped up overnight.
(Yesterday on the blog: Advice For My Younger Self)
Why Is the Abortion Industry Run by Women?
“Imagine what perspective a future generation might have as they look back at us. What possible explanation could we offer for our actions? Think of a history professor trying to explain to the students, ‘I know this seems unbelievable, but women in the twenty-first century demanded that they should be allowed to murder their own babies and sell the body parts — and if anyone tried to get in the way of this they were accused of being tyrannical abusers.’”
Stephen Hawking 1942–2018
AiG writes about the death of Stephen Hawking. “While the world mourns the loss of such a brilliant mind, there is even more to mourn today, as a man passed into eternity without knowledge of the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ (although we don’t know what he was thinking concerning his mortality and afterlife in the final days of his life). We at Answers in Genesis mourn the fact that Hawking and many others have decided that science supposedly has proven that there is no God. However, we firmly believe that science, when properly understood, is consistent with the God revealed in the Bible.”
“Biblical Womanhood”: What is a Woman?
This is a good read: “In a world in which #MeToo and #ChurchToo remind us that brokenness has infiltrated every part of society including the church, the Bible’s truths are absolutely relevant. When God brought issah (woman) to ish (man), he called their partnership ‘very good.’ Let us show by our words and actions that we believe his words to be true.”
The Bizarre Physics of Fire Ants (Video)
“They’re not just an animal, they’re a material. And that’s got engineers interested.”
Cultivating Praise in Marriage
“Praise and affirmation are essential to the health and vitality of a marriage. Genuine praise and verbalized thankfulness are like marital fertilizer (think Miracle-Gro) in the soil of your spouse’s heart. They have the power to help heal an ailing marriage or strengthen an already healthy one.”
The Real Down Syndrome ‘Problem’
“Iceland must be pleased that it is close to success in its program of genocide, but before congratulating that nation on its final solution to the Down syndrome problem, perhaps it might answer a question: What is this problem?”
Truth Is No Stranger to Fiction
An announcement from Cruciform: “Here’s something we’ve been eager to announce for almost a year. At Cruciform Press, we’re finalizing our preparations to follow our Savior into the realm of creative storytelling!”
Flashback: What Is Your Exit Plan?
The thing is, sooner or later your kids will become their own people, and have their own network of friends and followers. And when this happens they will find that for the past 13 years you have been building their online profile.