The Ultimate Scandal – CNN has a long, sad profile of D.E. Paulk.
An Age of Irrational Parenting – What I found interesting in this article is the reason why today’s parents are so overprotective: Having fewer children later in life.
The Grim Reality of Bathroom Door Locks – Here’s another fascinating article from Tanzania; it explains why bathrooms there lock from the outside, not the inside.
The Ikea Way – I enjoyed this article on Ikea’s worldwide success.
6 Advantages of Consecutive Expository Preaching – Derek Thomas shows some of the advantages to preaching through a lengthy text.
Overcoming Pornography: Choosing Obedience – Randy Alcorn: “Right now, in moments of strength, we must make choices that will serve us well in moments of weakness. If we don’t radically cut off the sources of the temptations that pursue us, then we are just playing games, and have no intention of obeying Christ.”