The God of love and peace be with you today.
Over at you’ll find a Bible clearance sale with lots of good deals on ESVs and other translations. Meanwhile, at 10ofThose you’ll find great deals on case quantities of the kind of resources you’d want to distribute widely. Then at Westminster Books you’ll find deals on a church history series for teens as well as the new Ask Pastor John. And, of course, at Amazon the Kindle deals continue as well.
Why Are Christian Workers So Often Workaholics?
That’s a good question with a solid answer behind it. “We know that we serve a master who gave up everything for us, and we can easily feel that nothing we do is ever enough to please him in return. Deep down we think that he is hard to please. We try to justify ourselves to him by repaying him for his grace. The very fact that the Lord instituted the Sabbath as a principle ought to be a reminder to us that he does not demand that we work all the hours he sends.”
Through the Valley of Miscarriage
Tanner Swanson offers comfort to those passing through the valley of miscarriage.
How Then Shall We Live?
“I often see in my own heart a sense of entitlement to an easy and comfortable life; and when hard times come, I can so quickly start to resent God. Why is this? It is caused by wrong expectations.”
God Never Needs Updating
“‘It needs an update,’ my husband says. He wasn’t talking about me, which is a good thing. For us both. Phones, computers, thermostats, security systems, clocks, TV’s, GPS systems. I mean really? Have you noticed how many things need updating? ‘They aren’t talking,’ he sighs, with a kind of long extended tire-flattening sound.”
Things Unseen (Video)
In case you haven’t heard, Ligonier is now offering a brief daily audio devotional from Sinclair Ferguson (“Things Unseen”). You can listen to them all at YouTube and elsewhere.
One Downside of Listening to Online Preaching
“While I would commend making a habit of listening to sermons, I want to highlight one downside of listening to online preaching.” This is probably worth thinking about.
Flashback: How To Ruin a Perfectly Good Friendship
We speak to God through praise and prayer and God speaks to us through Scripture and Spirit. It’s a wondrous and beautiful privilege we enjoy.