Today’s Kindle deals include several good titles from Crossway that deal with suffering. J.I. Packer’s Finishing Our Course with Joy is particularly good and very nearly a must-read.
Church or Football?
This plea is written specifically for Zambian Christians, but it applies equally to Christians from other nations.
A $2 Million Treasure Chest
This writer recounts his 5-day quest for $2 million hidden in the Rockies. Yes, someone (supposedly) hid $2 million in the Rockies.
The Beauty of Botany
Sometimes it is good to appreciate other people’s appreciation of the God’s world.
Parenting Blindspots
I was recently a guest on Truth.Love.Parent podcast. In the first episode we discussed parenting blindspots and in the second I tried to answer some listeners’ questions.
The Master of Mazes (Video)
Here’s a short video of someone who designs garden mazes for a living. That sounds like a great line of work!
Stay At Home Moms Don’t ‘Waste’ Their Education
To say that moms who chose to stay at home with their children waste their education is a misunderstanding of the purpose of an education.
5 Reasons You Should Read Missionary Biographies
David Sills lists 5 good reasons. (Here are some suggestions to get you started.)
The Core Tenets of Biblical Counseling
This is good stuff from Geoffrey Kirkland. He defines biblical counseling in this way: “Biblical counseling is the skilled application of God’s sufficient Word to the hearts of God’s people.”
Flashback: The Blogs, the Battles and the Gospel
Many bloggers have mastered all the practical rules of blogging. But these same bloggers, myself included, would do well to work toward mastering the spiritual rules of blogging.