Prayer is Ridiculous – On the face of it, prayer is absurd. This post shows us why it would be absurd, except for the involvement and invitation of a kind and loving God.
What You Really Need in Marriage – I really appreciate what Mark Altrogge says in this post.
Who Was St. Patrick? – This short video explains who St. Patrick was and wasn’t. Interestingly, he wasn’t Irish, a saint, or a snake charmer.
Various Kinds of Tongues – Whether or not you agree with Nathan Busenitz’s cessationist position, his series on biblical tongues will at least give you a sensible cessationist explanation of key passages used by continuationists.
What Every Parent Must Do – Elisha Galotti went to J.C. Ryle’s article The Duties of Parents, and finds 17 things every parent must do.
Learn to Fly in the Fellowship – David Mathis: “The koinonia — the commonality, partnership, fellowship — which the first Christians shared wasn’t a common love for pizza, pop, and a nice clean evening of fun among the fellow churchified. It was their common Christ, and their common life-or-death mission together in his summons to take the faith worldwide in the face of impending persecution.”