Google’s CFO Retires – There is some wisdom in this memo from Patrick Pichette in which he explains why he has chosen to retire.
Shells for Jesus – “A couple of times my family went to the beach, where we hunted for shells and shark’s teeth. I thought of the Christians who struggle with such frivolity. How can a Christian collect shells when people are going to hell?”
Biblical Eldership – Biblical Eldership is a web site that offers an impressive collection of resources on an important topic.
A Taste of Austria – Here is a stunning timelapse video of Austria.
From Lesbianism to Complementarianism – Jackie Hill Perry tells her story.
Shepherds’ Conference 2015 – All of the video from the recent Shepherds’ Conference Inerrancy Summit is now available.
A Brief Defense of Infant Baptism – While I continue to hold to believer’s baptism, I do appreciate Kevin DeYoung’s defense of infant baptism.