Preparing for Easter – This week’s deals from Westminster Books will help you get ready for Easter.
A Good [Wo]man is Easy to Find – Yes! “Whenever I have languished around wishing and hoping and dreaming for mentors, I have found myself lacking them. Yet when I have engaged in the ministry of mentorship myself, I find myself in an abundance of counselors.”
Why Salvation Is Far from Some People – “One characteristic of those the Bible describes as ‘wicked’ is that they do not seek God’s statutes, God’s Word. For that reason, ‘Salvation is far from’ them since the way of salvation—the way to God—is found only in the Word of God.”
The Cost of Relativism – “We now have multiple generations of people caught in recurring feedback loops of economic stress and family breakdown, often leading to something approaching an anarchy of the intimate life.”
The Dreadful Loneliness of Life Without Scripture – Here’s a good article with a great title.
An African Ordination – You’ll enjoy reading this little glimpse into an African ordination service.