Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord – Johnny Farese has gone to be with the Lord. If you’ve never heard of him, be sure to click the link and check out the videos.
Rain for Roots – Rain for Roots produces great music for kids. They have a new album releasing this week titled The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like This.
Thabiti Makes an Announcement – Thabiti Anyabwile: “Yesterday my family and I announced the most difficult and emotional decision we’ve ever made in Christian ministry. We shared with the spiritual family and congregation we love our plans to transition from FBC Grand Cayman to return stateside to plant a church East of the River in Washington, D.C.”
Gender, Discrimination, Marriage – This is worth thinking about: “In the name of equality, same-sex marriage seeks to codify gender discrimination. But marriage welcomes everyone: husband and wife, father and mother, grandfather and grandmother.
Should We Expect More from Our Teenagers? – “My oldest daughter was talking to me yesterday about how some of her friends buy their likes on Instagram.” It sounds pathetic until you realize that many adults do something similar.
If It Looks Like Rome… – This article looks at some church practices gaining in popularity that owe more to Rome than Geneva.