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A La Carte (March 10)


Grace and peace to you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a number of good books.

(Yesterday on the blog: Showing Mercy in A Feeding Frenzy)

My Head And The Headlines

“Reading the news these days is like watching a train wreck in slow motion—except it’s not a train, it’s the whole world. And like a train wreck, as horrifying as it is to watch, it’s also hard to look away.” Seth reflects on what we may lose with a relentless focus on the headlines.

A Christian Approach to PTSD and Trauma

Bruce Ashford: “We live in a fallen world in which we are sometimes exposed to terrifying events. Through experiencing or witnessing those events, we can experience severe psychological trauma. However, we can be comforted in knowing that the God who experienced a traumatic crucifixion on our behalf is with us in the midst of our trauma, and that he has given medical personnel the ability to treat the brain-based distortions that result from traumatic experiences.”

Should the Sick Be Anointed with Oil?

Robert Plummer takes a look at the passage in James that speaks of prayer and anointing with oil.

Does My Son Know You?

Jonathan Tjarks, a writer for the sports site The Ringer, has written a very moving article about his battle with cancer.

An Update on My Precious Wife Nanci

Also, we ought to pray for Randy and Nanci Alcorn since Nanci is now in hospice care. “We met with the hospice director Monday morning and then a hospice social worker. Nanci is officially now in hospice care, so that means her death is expected within six months. It could be a lot less than that or it could be more, of course no one knows.”

How Can I Expect My Children to Honor Me Since I Am a Sinner Too?

“I was recently asked this question at a conference. Have you ever wondered the same thing? Certainly, as parents, we blow it. Can we still ask our children to honor us?” Chap Bettis answers.

Flashback: Keep Your Good Deeds Secret (From Even Yourself)

A million dollars printed on an oversized check and paraded before the press is of much less value in the eyes of God than a hundred dollars given in secret. A rich gift is no gift at all if its purpose is to enhance the reputation of the giver.

The moment you are willing to obey, He gives you strength to obey.

—Theodore Cuyler

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