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A La Carte (March 10)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles for children and adults.

Westminster Books has deals on new books from Crossway that are worth looking at.

What Christianity in China Is Really Like

What is ministry in China really like? There are lots of misconceptions clarified by this article.

Wise Technological Parenting

“It is the apex of foolishness for parents to allow their children to have free and unaccountable access to technology– smart phones, tablets, iPods, computers, etc.” Indeed. Here are some guidelines parents may do well to consider.

Is Genesis History?

The film Is Genesis History? is coming to Canada for 1 day—March 14. Theaters and showtimes are listed here.

Were Adam and Eve Real People?

From TGC: “Listen to Albert Mohler and Bryan Chapell discuss the importance of Adam to our understanding of humanity, our world, and salvation, as well as the ‘field and fences’ of what should be considered consistent with Scripture.”

Top 3 Pastoral Pitfalls (Video)

Dr. Hershael York answers in Honest Answers, this neat new YouTube series from Southern Seminary.

Paglia: Transgender & Civilization’s Decline

Rod Dreher shares a fascinating little clip from a “Camille Paglia discussion at last fall’s Battle Of Ideas festival in the UK, in which the lesbian scholar and provocateur identifies transgenderism as a mark of a civilization deep into decadence, nearing collapse.”


Here’s a second review of Paul Young’s new book Lies We Believe About God which I also reviewed yesterday.

Lottery Winner Says Winning “Has Ruined My Life”

Go looking for this and you hear it again and again: the lottery ruins lives.

Flashback: I Have All the Time I Need

I’m so busy. You’re so busy. We’re all so busy. We’re so busy that we can’t possibly fit one more thing into our schedules, or one more relationship into our lives.

The great struggle of my life is not trying to discern God’s will; it is trying to discern and then disown my own.

—Paul Miller

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