Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
Every Monday morning brings a new batch of Kindle deals from Crossway. This week the deals are themed around the gospel and you’ll find titles from John Piper, Jared Wilson, and others. There are lots of books on other subjects as well.
Do Your Sunday Songs Pass the Test?
This is good and helpful. “How does a pastor decide which songs to introduce? Why one song and not another? Here are a gauntlet of questions I ask when considering a new song for my church. If we’re going to sing a song on Sunday, it’s got to pass all the way through.”
Let the Humbleness of Jesus Deflate Our Pride
This is excellent! This list of aspects of Jesus’ humility contrasted with areas we usually take pride in is very thought-provoking.
We Investigated the MASSIVE “Revivals” Happening at Universities (Video)
I am glad I watched this video until the point they discussed the third speaker at the recent “revival” at the University of Kentucky.
Every Christian Is a Counselor
Here’s a challenging thought: “We can’t help others draw closer to God if we are not ourselves walking closely with God. And we can’t share God’s Word with others if we are not knowledgeable of God’s Word ourselves.”
Why AI Can Never Fully Replace Human Writers
Pierce Taylor Hibbs explains why AI can never fully replace human writers (even if it does partially replace them).
Parenting a Special Needs Child
Writing for TGC Australia, Susan Rockwell explains some of what she has learned about parenting a special needs child. “God gives me strength, he gives me patience and, when I am feeling overwhelmed, I turn to him for strength. Many truths that flow from knowing God are a comfort to me. Here are just a few.”
Flashback: The God Who Reaches Out
When we could not and would not reach out to him, he has reached out to us.