Making it Clearer – This is a fantastic bit of writing from Jeremy Walker as he responds to a series on the twentieth anniversary of the founding of Evangelicals and Catholics Together. You may need to read a couple of other articles for context.
A True Modern Marvel – Sometimes those things we take for granted are actually real marvels—things like the aluminum can.
4 Keys to Evangelism in Honor-Shame Cultures – Cross-culture evangelism just fascinates me. This author writes about how to share the gospel in honor-shame cultures.
Who Should Raise Your Children? – Trevin Wax goes back in history a little to look at the problems with universal day care.
Complementarianism & The Single Woman – Katie Van Dyke: “I am single. I am complementarian. A lot of times people don’t see how those things go hand in hand.”
9 Marks of an Unhealthy Church – Kevin DeYoung offers 9 marks of a church that isn’t doing so well.