Pop Stars Who Are Pastors’ Kids – Relevant rounds up ten pop stars who are sons or daughters of pastors.
My Girlfriend’s Sexual Past – This is a question I have been asked many times: How can I deal with the hurt of my [significant other’s] past? Boundless provides a helpful answer.
Understanding Ukraine – The situation in Ukraine is, like all conflicts, difficult to understand. This video introduces at least some of the background issues.
When People Choose the Headlines – Here is an experiment in what would happen if people, rather than editors, chose the front page new stories.
Five Things We Miss – Here are five things we miss if we don’t give, and especially to the needy.
Calories at Starbucks – Here is the calorie count for a selection of drinks at Starbucks. That Peppermint White Chocoloate Mocha has as many calories as almost 4 cans of Coke!