May the God of love and peace be with you today.
Today’s Kindle deals include a collection of systematic theologies.
(Yesterday on the blog: Was It A Waking Dream?)
Death, Miracles, and Tears: The Loss of a Baby
This is a heart-rending story from Cameroon. “About three years ago I took a girl in our village named Mami to get an ultrasound. At the clinic I met her boyfriend named Koo who was visibly concerned about her pregnancy. So much so that he made a deal with God: if his baby survived, he would dedicate his life to the Lord.”
In what ways are sinners both active and passive in their salvation?
Michael Reeves explains in this video from a Ligonier conference.
Eternal Surprise
Familiarity breeds contempt, they say. It can also breed apathy, as this article shows.
The Weightiness of Words
“In a world of spin and marketing, self-promotion and self-pity, Facebook comment sections and Twitter mobs, we are drowning in a typhoon of words poorly used, carelessly cast, angrily angled. When words are many, transgression is certainly not lacking (Prov. 10:19).”
What is “Progressive” Christianity?
“One of the benefits of studying church history is that you realize that Solomon was right: ‘There is nothing new under the sun’ (Eccl 1:9).” Michael Kruger shows that progressive Christianity isn’t actually an entirely new thing.
God’s Wonderful Protection
“I love coming across little comments in the bible that are mentioned seemingly in passing, but have huge implications.” This is a neat example of just one of them.
Flashback: Which Christian Best Portrays Christ?
…we have no right to pass judgment on another man’s character when his portrait of Christ differs from our own in its emphasis. Rather, we must understand that as Christ has gifted us all differently, he has burdened us all differently. He is seen as much in that other person as in us.