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A La Carte (June 9)

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God Wrote a Book – I think you’ll enjoy this new video from John Piper.

How Do I Make Christ Appealing? – “We aim to make Christ more appealing to the one who seems to that he is not very appealing. This usually means giving Jesus something of an extreme-makeover so that the eligible unbeliever might be won over.”

Learning for the Future from the Duggars – Wendy Alsup has some helpful things to say about the Duggars, and especially about the media’s victimizing of the victims.

Are Christians Really the Arrogant Ones? – You may well have read an article like this in the past, but I found it helpful to read and consider again. “Any claim to actually know one’s religious beliefs are true is regarded as a violation of the rules of intellectual inquiry.”

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall – Nathan Bingham thinks about the meaning of all those selfies. “What would a 21st-century Narcissus myth involve? I suspect it would include a smartphone, selfies, and crossing the street without looking.”

Why all the Superlatives? – Mark Jones asks a valid question: Why are we using so many superlatives to describe, well, pretty much everything.


Whatever sin the heart of man is most prone to, that the devil will help forward.

—Thomas Brooks

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