God Wrote a Book – I think you’ll enjoy this new video from John Piper.
How Do I Make Christ Appealing? – “We aim to make Christ more appealing to the one who seems to that he is not very appealing. This usually means giving Jesus something of an extreme-makeover so that the eligible unbeliever might be won over.”
Learning for the Future from the Duggars – Wendy Alsup has some helpful things to say about the Duggars, and especially about the media’s victimizing of the victims.
Are Christians Really the Arrogant Ones? – You may well have read an article like this in the past, but I found it helpful to read and consider again. “Any claim to actually know one’s religious beliefs are true is regarded as a violation of the rules of intellectual inquiry.”
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall – Nathan Bingham thinks about the meaning of all those selfies. “What would a 21st-century Narcissus myth involve? I suspect it would include a smartphone, selfies, and crossing the street without looking.”
Why all the Superlatives? – Mark Jones asks a valid question: Why are we using so many superlatives to describe, well, pretty much everything.