How Pastors Accidentally Ruin Their Church – “Most pastors really love their church. They understand their calling as under-shepherds tasked with guarding the bride of Christ. Caring for the thing that Jesus died for is a heavy responsibility. Pastors will endure stress and criticism, they will work long hours, and they will sacrifice to protect the church. Yet, I’ve seen these same men inadvertently bring their church to the brink of ruin.”
You’re Getting Old – I enjoyed this site even though it mocked me for my age.
ESV Readers Bible – I appreciated this review of the ESV Reader’s Bible, especially for what the author says about verse and chapter markings.
A Husband’s Love – Here’s your feel-good story du jour. It’s a sweet one.
Do You Want a Beautiful Wife? – This is good stuff.
Never Teach a Class Outdoors – Here are some humorous reflections from a professor.