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A La Carte (June 5)

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Good morning from the West Coast. I am out here in beautiful Vancouver B.C. (with Aileen!) for the Men for God Conference, and am looking forward to meeting new friends and speaking to them about our great God. But first, let’s get to today’s A La Carte.

Bruce or Caitlyn? – Denny Burk is attempting to carefully and biblically answer a pressing question: Should Christians accomodate transgender naming? I think he is well on his way to a solid response. On a similar topic, the link between transgenderism and gnosticism is an important one to consider.

Remember His Goodness – This article seems to go well with what I wrote yesterday and with the Puritan classic I’ve been reading (The Mystery of Providence). Remember to remember God’s goodness!

The Internet Doesn’t Exist – This author makes an interesting point: The Internet doesn’t really exist. At least, not in the way we often speak of it.

ESV Study Bible – Westminster Books must have too many ESV Study Bibles because they’re selling them at half off. It’s a great graduation gift if you still need one.

Emotions of Pixar – This video shows just how good Pixar is at conveying emotion. And it reminds me that I still haven’t seen Brave, something I ought to remedy forthwith.

5 Errors of the Prosperity Gospel – I’m sure there are more, but 5 is a good place to begin.

No, I Won’t Bless the Food – Here is a good and timely reminder from Don Whitney.

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