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A La Carte (June 4)

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The Duggars and the Evil Outside – Trevin Wax has some important things to say about the recent situation with Josh Duggar.

Men for God – Tomorrow and Saturday I’ll be joining Conrad Mbewe and Doug Nichols at the Men for God conference in Vancouver. I’d love to see you there!

Are Muslim Terrorists Truly Muslim? – Thabiti Anyabwile offers a good answer.

Whispers of a Self-Obsessed World – I appreciate what Melissa says here: “This is the essence of the Christian life. And, it is a daily, hour by hour, minute by minute struggle against the selfishness that plagues us as human beings.”

Canadian Jeopardy – Oh, come on now, America. You can do better than this!

The Wicked Witch – Mez McConnell offers a reflective and gut-honest response to the news that his stepmother has died. “So painful is it to even think of her name I refer to her as ‘she’ throughout my autobiography.”

Stage Two Exile – This is a long but helpful article. “The Western church is about to enter stage two of its exile from the mainstream culture and the public square. And it will not be an easy time.”

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