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A La Carte (June 30)


If you’re looking to grow your ebook library, Westminster Books has about 350 of Crossways ebooks on sale at 50% off.

(Yesterday on the blog: Follow the Way You Want To Be Followed)

A Day for Lament at the Supreme Court

Here’s Marvin Olasky writing for WORLD: “Roberts may have the opportunity to redeem himself when the court gets a case that could lead to an overturning of Roe v. Wade as a whole. Yet, based on what he did with one talent, it seems hardly likely that he will invest 10 wisely. Maybe we should go back not to a movie, nor even to the gospel, but to Genesis and Adam’s tragic fall in the Garden of Eden, which had consequences for all.” (See also: Supreme Court Rejects Louisiana Abortion Regulations; and here’s the ultra-liberal Vox explaining why, from their perspective, it’s not much of a victory.)

Small Beginnings: J. C. Ryle in Exbury

You may enjoy this account of J.C. Ryle’s small beginnings in ministry.

The Land of Fire and Ice (Video)

You may not be able to get to Iceland right now, but you can at least appreciate its beauty in HD through this video.

The Peculiar Idol of Personal Opinion

Here’s Melissa on opinions. “It’s possible that never in the history of the world have human beings felt more entitled to their own feelings and opinions. Of course, opinions have always been thrown around during dinner table conversations, but never have so many people in this world felt that they have a platform, a megaphone, a soapbox to lecture from. Social media has filled in the gap between fool and expert, and it is filling the world with foolishness disguised as expertise. How clearly we see it in these days. Yet that doesn’t seem to stop us from creating a shiny, clanging idol of our own opinions.”

Can Complementarian Parenting be Achieved in a Single-Parent Home?

I have encountered quite a number of people who have asked this question or one just like it. They may appreciate this answer from TGC Australia.


“Traffic is heavy. Moving at 45 mph down a main road in the city. I glance over at the SUV in the lane next to us. The driver is holding his cell phone. In both hands. Texting. Distracted.”

The Mennonites – a Trip Back in Time (Video)

This is a really interesting video. It tracks with a group of Mennonites as they relocated from Belize to Peru.

Flashback: Don’t Cheat Yourself Out of Good Tools

Don’t be afraid or ashamed to get the tools you need to do your best possible work. If you’re going to scrimp and save, well and good, but this is not the place to do it.

If our commitment to diversity is more than skin deep, we must cultivate deep friendships with smart people with whom we fundamentally disagree.

—Rebecca McLaughlin

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