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A La Carte (June 30)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Where You Start Determines Where You End – “This is an exciting, important time to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Our lost culture needs us now more than ever. We don’t have to be spectacular to stand out.”

On Twenty Years of Marriage – This is just a great bit of writing about the joy and beauty of marriage. (HT)

An Interview with Mark Dever – Tabletalk magazine has an interview with Mark Dever. He always has interesting things to say.

Celebrating Distinction – “Creator and creation. Male and female. Distinctions are important. In this excerpt from the teaching series Only Two Religions, Dr. Peter Jones explains why these biblical distinctions are under attack.”

5 Questions I Wish My Accountability Partner Had Asked – There is level-headed counsel in this article. And it’s not really about accountability partners at all.

Getting Ready to Forgive – I quite agree: “Rather than presenting forgiveness as a law, what we need to do is to shepherd the wounded Christian to the point where they could say truthfully that their hearts are watching the road.”


If you can trust God to save you for eternity, you can trust him to lead you for a lifetime.

—David Platt

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