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A La Carte (June 30)

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God Made Me This Way – The article isn’t the easiest read, but it’s a worthwhile one. Phillip Jensen writes on the nature/nurture debate.

Asking for Too Little – Do you sometimes feel like you’re asking too much from God? Maybe you’re actually asking too little.

Happy 18th to Us – Jared Wilson has some helpful reflections on marriage in this article celebrating his 18th anniversary.

Small Differences – This article highlights some of the similarities and differences between Canada and the United States.

Biblical Theology and the Sexuality Crisis – Read this piece from Al Mohler for the big point and for the thought-provoking lines (like this: “That which was once condemned is now celebrated, and the refusal to celebrate is now condemned.”).

5 Reasons to Rejoice, Not Worry – Randy Alcorn: “Worry is a kill-joy. It specializes in worst case scenarios when God promises us best case scenarios…”


The Gospel never has a better name than when it goes forth in a manner beyond reproach.

—Kevin Belmonte

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