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A La Carte (June 3)


Today’s Kindle deals include the Babylon Bee book along with a classic from Sproul, a volume of the Bible For You series, and more.

A new has launched and it has a good and growing collection of resources.

New Troubles Are Met With New Mercies

This is good counsel for when we experience any trouble. “When we feel that worry, we have a choice: Let it frame our narrative and push us away from God, or turn our anxieties to God in prayer, letting him graciously and patiently work on our soul.”

Civil War. Civil Rights. Civil Love.

I always appreciate what Barry York writes. “Where is there a love that can overcome racial divides, heart hatred, and fierce anger? Where is there an unending, unlimited, unconquerable supply of love that can transform not just a person or two, but societies and nations? The only place it is found is at Calvary’s cross, where ‘God demonstrated his own love toward us in this, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us’ (Rom. 5:8).”

Ten Questions Missionaries Love To Answer

Just like the title says…

The Fresh Wonder of Corporate Worship

“Though it may be unclear exactly what that looks like as churches start to reopen, every week brings us one Sunday closer to the day when God will gather his people from every tribe, language, people, and nation to worship the Lamb who was slain (Revelation 5:10–12). Without question, that will be congregational worship like we’ve never experienced before.”

A Cake On The Back Seat

We’ve all had moments like this, haven’t we? “It doesn’t sound like much, does it? But it was enough to stop me in my tracks. Those few quietly spoken words carried a heavy Spirit-inspired conviction. She was right.”

Life – Venus Fly Trap and Sundew

There’s some amazing macro photography on display in this collection of battles between plants and animals.

The Exchange of Pleasures

I’ve said I won’t share any more articles that use C.S. Lewis’s “mud pies in a slum” quote (because it’s so overused), but am making an exception for this one from David Qaoud.

Flashback: But God Makes No Mistakes

Nothing in this world is haphazard. There is nothing random or unplanned about the circumstances you are in right now, even if those circumstances seem very hard.

It is the greatest wisdom in the world to do every day what a man would do on a dying-day, and to be afraid to live in such a state as a man would be afraid to die in.

—Thomas Brooks
Thomas Brooks

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