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A La Carte (June 3)

I did not find much noteworthy today for Kindle deals. However, you may want to note that Westminster Books has a good deal on a new book titled Unshakable that looks ideal for students. They have discounts on a few other related titles.

The Sun Is Always Shining in Modern Christian Pop

“Jamie Grace’s ‘Beautiful Day’ was one of the top 10 Christian songs of 2014 and has a typically peppy chorus: ‘This feeling can’t be wrong / I’m about to get my worship on / Take me away / It’s a beautiful day.’ Switch it out for Pharrell’s ‘Happy,’ and a congregation might not be able to tell the difference.”

Died: Robertson McQuilkin

It seems fitting to include a link to this after the previous one. “Robertson McQuilkin, who stepped down from the presidency of Columbia Bible College and Seminary (now Columbia International University) in 1990 to care fulltime for his ailing wife, Muriel, has died. He was 88.”


The current issue of Tabletalk deals with legalism. You can read many of the articles for free online.

How Is Your Phone Changing You?

In every way, basically. This video explains.

Four Warning Signs You May Be Wandering from the Truth

“You don’t want to be that person. So, you need to be alert to the danger. You may know someone who is wandering, and God may use you to bring a wanderer back and help them get rooted in the truth.”

This Day in 1905. 111 years ago today, founder of the China Inland Mission, Hudson Taylor, died. *

The Politics of Never Growing Up

Samuel James considers for a moment the portrait that is currently emerging of the young American adult.

Untangling the Air Traffic Network

Here are some neat visualizations of the world’s air traffic.

Flashback: The Cost of Radical Generosity

“I was actually just starting to feel a little sorry for myself. I was on the sidelines at my daughter’s soccer game while a group of parents stood behind me laughing and chatting.”


Grateful law-keeping is the saved sinner’s response to received grace. The rest of our lives are a way of saying, “Thank you.”

—Derek Thomas

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