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A La Carte (June 3)

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No Third Way – I think Al Mohler is exactly right: When it comes to the issue of same-sex relationships, there is no third way. On a similar note, Denny Burk has a resolution on transgender in the SBC.

10 Things You Should Know About Evangelism – Mack Stiles lists them.

Listen When You Apologize – This is helpful counsel we will all have reason to practice at one time or another.

Feeling God? – I appreciate this article from Matthias Media. “Do you ever wonder if there’s something more to the Christian life? Maybe you’ve heard of or know people who tell you about having some sort of amazing God-experience—whether it’s been intense feelings of peace and joy, some kind of ecstatic excitement, maybe even visions or voices—and you wonder if you’re missing out. You hear about these things and you think to yourself ‘I want more’.”

ReMoved – ReMoved is a short film meant to bringing awareness, encourage, and be useful in foster parent training, and raising up foster parents (though not from a Christian perspective). It’s quite powerful.

A Passion for Preaching – This month’s interview in Tabletalk is with one of my favorite people: Steve Lawson.


Be obedient even when you do not know where obedience may lead you.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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