Today’s Kindle deals include a book by John Piper and a book about Lloyd-Jones.
Crossway will give you a free ebook copy of 12 Ways Your iPhone is Changing You if you fill out a brief survey.
Pro-Life For All: The Image of God in the Elderly
Be sure to read this one! “The statistics on the needs of the aging population in the United States should be a sounding alarm for the American church. A sea of elderly and infirm image bearers is welling up all around us, and our healthcare system can’t stand against this enormous wave of human need.”
Encouragement for Suffering Christians (Video)
Derek Thomas offers encouragement to Christians who are suffering in one way or another.
Matthias Media’s Best-Selling Resources on Sale (SPONSORED LINK)
Mark Dever says “Matthias Media resources are faithful, fresh and of great help.” Some of the most helpful of their resources are on sale this week, including Trellis and Vine and How to Walk into Church. Matthias Media exists to partner with all Christians in making disciples. So, if you have a ministry need or a favorite disciple-making resource that isn’t on sale, call their team. They are very happy to give you ideas and extend the same discount for the resources you need.
What Happens After Amazon’s Domination Is Complete? Its Bookstore Offers Clues
We have done an odd thing as Christians in allowing Amazon to dominate the sales of Christian books, and I can’t help but wonder if we will regret it. Not that that’s really the theme of this article from the New York Times.
The Sexual Revolution in a Nutshell
There are some important ideas here about the rise of the LGBT movement and its place within the wider sexual revolution.
There Are Cemeteries in Italy Too
Jordan Standridge writes about his grandfather, a long-time missionary to Italy. “As he looked at his life and as he considered his mental strength he thought to himself ‘my mind is as sharp as it ever was, why would I waste the final years of my life and many more years of mental strength when there are more sheep to feed His word to and there are many more souls to share the Gospel with?’”
Can the A321XLR Replace Wide-Body Aircraft Across the Atlantic?
You may need a certain level of geekery to enjoy this one, but I certainly found it interesting. Also, I’m not eager to fly across the Atlantic on narrowbody planes.
Folau, GoFundMe, Discrimination and Feigning Progress
The situation surrounding Israel Folau continues to provide lots of concerns. “Folau set up a GoFundMe page in order to raise $3m (Aus) to help him fight the termination of his Rugby Australia contract. He had already raised $750,000 for his own campaign when GoFundMe decided to unilaterally terminate his appeal.”
Flashback: The Joy of Not Sinning
Few things bring so great a sense of God’s pleasure and so great an opportunity for worship than not sinning in the face of what was once a near-irresistible temptation.