Today’s Kindle deals include a whole series of excellent books from 9Marks.
The Church of CrossFit
I see this all over the place: Once church has disappeared, people will replace it with something or anything.
Loving the People You Love to Hate
Jared Wilson: “Here’s how you know if you hate something someone has done or if you actually hate that person, according to C.S. Lewis…”
The Birth of the Camera Phone (Video)
Here’s the unlikely origin story of a device that has changed the world — the camera phone.
How to Make an Effective Preacher
Preachers will be challenged by this article.
Joy Comes in the Morning
“Circumstances do not change overnight most of the time and neither do our lives and hearts. We change over time. We see more over time. We strain our eyes to see in the dark until they burn. We want to give up, but we know that if we keep looking we might see something, anything. And then…”
Small Towns Need Missionaries
“According to the US census, just over half of our population lives in towns, boroughs, villages, and townships with fewer than 25,000 people or in rural areas. Meanwhile, thousands of Christian books are published every year and hundreds of these are about mission and reaching people for Christ. Many of them have insightful and helpful ideas about mission that can be applied anywhere, but many of their ideas don’t seem to work in small towns.”
A Life in Numbers (Video)
This little video shows how little bits of time add up.
Success and the Single Woman
Carolyn McCulley offers counsel to single women who are advancing in their career.
Flashback: The Joy of Not Sinning
I think it is a question every Christian would all like to ask God, given the opportunity. If you have the ability to immediately destroy and remove all of a Christian’s sin the very moment he puts his faith in Jesus Christ, why don’t you? Why didn’t you?