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A La Carte (June 26)

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Who Owns the Dead? – I’d say this article is about as off-beat as you’re likely to see me link to. But it’s an interesting one about the strange business of dying and our culture’s efforts to avoid death’s reality.

Marriage, Infidelity, and Ministry – Heath Lambert has a wisely pastoral article about marriage, infidelity, and ministry. (At least I think it’s Heath Lambert. The article doesn’t actually specify.)

Climb ‘El Capitan’ – Google Street View has gone up–way up!

An Irish Christmas – You’ll want to take a look at the Getty’s dates for their upcoming Christmas tour. We saw them last year and enjoyed every minute of the concert. (Note: Shows prior to November 23 are part of the Hymns for the Christian Life tour.)

The Civil War Then and Now – “150 years after the last shots were fired, Guardian photographer David Levene travelled across the US photographing the sites scarred by the American civil war.” The before and after pictures make it all so real.

A Profile of Russell Moore – The Washington Post tells how a Southern Baptist leader became surprising voice on Confederate flag. I think we all see Moore as doing exactly what God created him to do.


Are you a champion of Christ on Twitter, but not in your neighborhood?

—Michael Oh

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